Ice Cream Parlors


We Our Parlor Family!

Exclusively Hand-Dipping Ashby’s Sterling Ice Cream?

We’re here for you with the support you need, including:
Welcome Package
Promotion ideas, dipping tips, training information, posters, outdoor sign, flavor stickers, nutritional information, and more are provided to all new retailers.
Advertising Support
Table cards, posters, signs, menu boards, flavor strips, serving dishes and more are available to promote all of your Ashby’s Sterling Ice Cream menu items.
We offer a great selection of Ashby’s Sterling Ice Cream branded merchandise including shirts, caps, visors, aprons, magnets, bumper stickers and more!

Sundae Times Newsletter
Our newsletter will be emailed to you multiple times a year. It’s packed full of industry news, tips, recipes and new promotional ideas to help make you successful.